Sunday, August 16, 2009


Something has happened. Im not sure what it is, or what is going on with me, but I've had a burst of energy lately. It has been so ridiculous that even I was like wow...I mean compared to most of this summer where I have been like mellowed out, and not really all together, I feel that the start of the semester is coming and so many things are different now. Just so exponentially different than last year. Ive grown so much this summer, mind body and soul. Im so much more excited to do everything, I wanna have a ton of fun. I think its a combination of factors. One of the things is that my friends are totally on the same page as me in the fact that there will be many exciting opportunities to do stuff we havent before. Another is that I have been really busy so Ive always had something constantly to look forward to. Another is that I accomplished all my goals for the summer and took care of everything, even though it may have been all in the last 3 days. I also feel a lot more grounded spiritually than I was a week or two ago. Like at one point I was in a complete haze and not really there altogether, but now its like totally here. And in complete honesty there is only good to look forward to this semester. Like even in my interactions with everyone, it seems all so positive and upbeat, and ive been feeling pretty spiritual lately, ive been so appreciative of the beauty in the world and have been taking walks and enjoying nature and i dunno its jus been so amazing, as life opened its doors on me and said here, take this. But in all reality, im pretty excited abt this semester, and im glad im no longer that mopey kid who sits in his dorm all emo and such, but i was able to be better at what i do and totally enjoy the company of others. Like I felt that I had little energy this entire summer, and was not really there when I was talking to people. I would be saying constructive things and be able to respond and such but thts abt it. It reached the point where i would barely remember any conversations at all, like I was watching myself from the sidelines talk to other people. Things got a lot better ever since around the time I went to NY, but ever since like around Wednesday, Ive jus been hyper busy and it seemed like i was accomplishing so much and getting everything i procrastinated done, and seeing all my friends this week really boosted me up, even tho it was like over 3 days and they were all totally split up. But either way, it has jus been phenomenal, and I can only imagine how much more awesome it'll be when everyone is back on campus and we all have cars and its gna kick ass. I just feel a rush of excitement and havent stopped smiling. Like I actually could not recollect how many ppl I've seen in the past week and how overwhelmingly kick butt its gna be the first couple days back, talking to everyone and catching up. My mind body and soul are all on the same page pushing it to the limit and really appreciating the things around us. I dunno i jus cant stop the beat thats been running through me, like every time i hear a song i jus want to go downtown and dance the night away, a feeling i havent had in a looong time. I just feel that yeah i can be physically tired, but that doesnt mean i have to be mentally tired as well, and i can always find something that makes me smile in every step of the day. It really is amazing and I hope this rush lasts, as it'll prove to be great for training and even more so for when the real excitement begins in the semester when finally things will be epic as heck =]

Post script: the word "I" was said about 50 times in this post, and it makes me feel kinda self-centered lol.
P.P.S totally halfway asleep while writing this but still super excited

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Adult Life

Today I realized that moving into the apartment, cooking my own food, working a 9-5 job, scheduling and planning fun and other things of the sort all constitute what I perceive to be the entry into a new chapter of my life, an adult life.

Its probably because I was still adjusting that I didnt feel the changes until now. Like today, I woke up early, no if ands or buts, went to work and had to think on my toes and do well, came back to my apartment and cooked some things, and then tonight I have a social outing planned. Ya know at first I was hesitant about all of this. It seemed odd and rush into things, but in reality it is the perfect time to change the way my system operates, because first off its summer, so there is no academics that are eating and tearing away my flesh (except for the MCATs which I will buy my grave in advance for). Second off I realized that I wont be living in the same room as someone for a long time. It's a very liberating feeling having that kind of independence, and I didn't really appreciate it until now actually. Right now I'm comfortable here in my own domain where no one will bother me, well hopefully no one haha. I still have sutiemates but its not the same. I'm actually really excited about how this is going to change my day to day thing in the long run.

Today also I was reminded about how I operate when it comes to management. I like to take care of things the moment they arise and not procrastinate. Procrastination is something that has plagued my immediate friendship for so long now, ever since high school, and I just want to be one of those people who when they get a email or something just take care of it at the time, and NOT push it off till its like a week overdue. Then I'd be like who I was freshman year, and end up getting slapped with a nice bill. But yeah this change is healthy, and I'm not sure whether or not I want to but I'm thinking of finally doing it. I might at some point this summer jus make everyone I know start calling me by my full name, Fouad. Its gna be hard at times, especially at the beginning, even for me. But ya know it'll help me I think in the long run. There will still be places where i will be denoted as Fou, but I will try within means to limit them. I think that I need to start tapping into that potential of mine that I always look at, sigh, an go eat a chocolate bar or something haha. Being a successful person requires more than an attitude, it takes good hard work, something I havent been doing for a while. I hope that I will be able to prove to myself that I can take on the MCATs and do extremely well in them, thereby bettering my shots of getting into med school in the US. I'm getting my teeth pulled in a couple weeks, so thats exciting. Also I've been working on my weight. I accomplished something in the fact that I have so much chocolate in my room and I barely touch any of it....well that's a lie I do eat it but in moderation an sanity. If I were still in the dormitories that would have never happened and I would have eaten them all in a week haha.

All in all this summer should prove to be positive and an opportunity for me to work hard at getting the things done that I need to, and to hopefully have my schedule slowly fill up with something substantial related to my career goals so that I feel like I am accomplishing what I need to do to reach that beautiful MD...or DO we'll see. I hope that I can continue with this attitude as it is the only thing that will keep me from going back to Fou. See I have to go ahead and change that, as with all changes, there has to be a physical, social and thought component to it. Alright I'll formulate a gameplan on how to tackle that tonight.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fiscal Responsibility

Sitting here in the office, I was reading up on racial inequality correlated with net wealth and income; a more tedious read if not completely mind-numbing. I guess this is what happens when you cram for an exam, lol. But anyway, one of the themes that kept recurring was debt and fiscal unpreparedness. This made reflect on my personal spending habits. One of the things that I have unfortunately to some extent inherited from my parents is the spending of money on random things and not being fiscally proportional. However my parents ended up in fiscal peril, chapter 7, second mortgage, ya know the usual among the so called middle to low class families of the time. So why would one inherit such a trait after seeing all this chaos consume his day to day life a as child? I can now see why they did it. Their lives were so stressful that they had to turn to tangible goods to bring to them some level of perceived comfort in their lifestyles. Why would anyone sacrifice their future because they refuse to change their lifestyles? People who are not used to change. People who back when they lived in other places didn't about fiscal issues at all. Those who didn't learn about fiscal responsibility and depended on their parents for every step of the way and didn't once think, hey I need to start saving up money and investing to secure a better future for my family.

Sometimes as a college student its easy to forget the fact that when this illusion of fiscal security through meal plans and paid housing ends, the real world hits you, and you have to learn how to start managing your money and how to get money as well. I guess my experiences since I got back to the US and being for the most part fiscally independent, sometimes even when living at a relatives house, has helped shape who I am today. I like to think of myself as someone who has his goals set beyond just getting through college and going to professional school, but rather someone who is thinking about his credit, his debts, his taxes, his jobs, his fiscal management and so on and so forth. I've been always kept on my feet every semester by that impending bill or fiscal issue that threatens my day to day existence. However in recent weeks, things have gotten on a better light and I can finally start saving money in a realistic fashion. But in complete honesty I was so relieved that I was done worrying about major bills that I kinda forgot about my fiscal management responsibilities. I have spent about $120 on random junk in the past month, and in complete honesty I was at the very least aware of what I was doing every time I made a purchase. I was so ashamed of how much I was spending I didn't even want to monitor my balances on my accounts to see how much I had really spent. Though it seemed like over $250 at the time, upon reviewing my history, it isnt that bad compared to previous years (knocking out over $500 in a month *ouch*).

SO why then. Why would I do something like that even though I held myself to stern standards and hoped to remain fiscally sound? Probably because of my lifestyle overseas. Everything overseas was cheap. I never had allowance given to me in my life, but I was never really denied any monetary request but I rarely ever asked, unless I was going out with friends. While this system was not efficient in teaching me fiscal responsibility, it saved my mom a lot of money by keeping me from buying random useless junk. So with that mindset I came back to the US where I had pretty much lost grasp of the relative costs of things, i.e. what is expensive and what isn't. But even after getting a grip of that, I still spent a lot of money on useless items that in the end had no real positive influence over my life except maintain that perception of a relaxed lifestyle.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I need to keep on monitoring my fiscal status and make sure that I keep everything together and ready for a future for myself and family. In addition, I need to start actually investing money so that I can have something substantial to present to myself in the future saying "this is the fruit of the seeds you planted so that you and your family won't have to starve if something terrible happens". I guess that is a phrase that didn't cross my parents mind when they hadn't saved up any money and ended up in debt over hospital bills and excessive spending because my sister had gotten terminally ill. But that is another story...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Now that things are settled

I'm finally set fiscally. Things are going well. But something is missing. I can't pinpoint it but there is something that is not there. My mind is set, my studies are well. Elections are over thank God and now people are so interesting to watch as they try to climb the political heights to try and reach the watcher at the top. The watcher awaits them and sifts through the plenty of people who want to be beside them watching those down below. Little do those people know that the watcher is merely a bird on its nest in a tree, but they are too ignorant to see. I reside in the mountain looking down on them all but yet I feel so small. Why? Is the tree that intriguing to me? Or is it the bird who when my eyes aren't on it is flying to heights above my mountain space?

Still something is missing. Sometimes the things we are looking for are right under our noses, or theirs, embedded in their smiles.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Best Night of my Life

As a student, living in the prosperity of the United States and enjoying the simple things in life, I find myself very grateful for the situation I'm in and hope to one day reflect on these good times. However everyone has struggles, and here are some of mine.

This week I have spent my time in my father's new apartment without internet. It really does suck to not be able to figure something out literally at the touch of a button, a gift that you can't appreciate until it's gone. Besides the point, I wasn't able to get anything done study-wise besides the information that I already had on my computer prior to going there. I was forced to turn to television to suffice my boredom of studying, which became ultimately a distraction on its own rather than a "break time" from Cell Biology, which I had the book to but couldn't read for more than 30 minutes at a time due to its repulsive repetitiveness of never-ending cascades of reactions and so on that I don't want to think about.

Besides that I came into the apartment with 3 things on my mind, get my paperwork for financial aid which will be (no joke) "Cancelled" on tuesday if I don't bring in the paperwork necessary. It took me 3 days to gather all that information from the respective sources necessary. Immediately afterwards my phone minutes went out. I was literally stuck between 4 walls w.o. communication. It was frustrating. I also happenned to forget to pack my tshirts so I only had 2 shirts and had to wash (aka spend money) several times as a cost of this mistake. My tshirts are currently folded in a pile on my bed in Patapsco where they don't belong. All this going on I had to get my wisdom tooth pulled out at some point because it was crooked. Apparently I later used my dad's cell to call and it turns out that they are on break this week (the dental students of course) and will return next week. This came as a relax to me as I am now able to focus on my studies and get my things done. IN the process of this I had to buy myself food as my dad had been living alone and he would eat out all the time = not enough food in house for more than 2 days. I used up as much as I could, then I had to go and get stuff. I ended up spending like no joke 80+ bucks and rising on stuff over the past week. The moment I'm done with all this and ready to return to campus, I get delayed an extra day stuck baby-sitting which is fine I guess, no big deal. No realistic studying during that time either though. Then I finally get to campus this week and spend I shit you not an hour looking for my friends apartment (didnt pick up phone til after I found apt.) and finally get there after dragging my stuff up and down the hill like 8 times (hr of walking=I have to do laundry AGAIN). Anyway, I call up my other friend and see if he wants to study. SO we head out to the library and watch Craig lecture *snooze* and spend 3 hours on a lecture that is only 75 minutes. Yes it is that challenging to figure out what he is talking about. Anyhow I felt I benefited from doing that so we go out and eat (more spending) and misspend money as usual on food. Then we come back waste some time and get some more work done, when I decide to go get my laptop. I get back only to find that my laptop isnt working. WTF. The screen isnt going on and it keeps booting for a minute then restarting. WTF. It has to have been from going up and down the hill earlier that day. UGH!! That is the reason I'm writing this. Not because of all the other stupid stuff going on in my life (impending UMBC bill that MUST get paid, financial aid, waiting on decisions for jobs, looking for a summer job) or because of my studies (I'm prob getting a B or C in a class that I am REPEATING because I messed up one lab, getting a B or C in a class that I should be teaching, getting a C in a class that med skools look at, getting a B or C in a class that I can't stand).

Its natural of people to look back and reflect, what is going well that is keeping my sanity. Is it the fact I'm doing well in a class that is actually important for my major? Is it the fact that I am not starving, homeless and am in school trying to establish a career for myself that will ensure my financial security? Is it the fact that there are people that although I only need two hands to count them, will work their hardest to make sure I succeed and will give their heart to help me when I need it? Is it my realization that this world is but a moment and I am doing the best I can with what I have.................................................but am I? I honestly need to remember who I am. Who was Fouad before he came back to the US. What kind of individual were you? What was your priority in this life? Where did your trust lie? Where was your heart? You know damn well what the answer to those questions are. Be weary of the next steps you take, because they may as well be the ones that will send you down an never-ending spiral of sorrow that you wish you had never seen. It's easy to forget. It's easy to get distracted. It's ok to face loss. It's ok to have everything you worked at washed away. It's ok to be tested. What isnt ok is just to ignore the facts and turn the other cheek. You know who you are; you know exactly what you are doing. Make the moment count. Don't falter in your resolve, stand strong and don't be crushed by anything. Face your Maker and remember who you are. is no Fouad was, only a Fouad IS.