Sunday, August 16, 2009


Something has happened. Im not sure what it is, or what is going on with me, but I've had a burst of energy lately. It has been so ridiculous that even I was like wow...I mean compared to most of this summer where I have been like mellowed out, and not really all together, I feel that the start of the semester is coming and so many things are different now. Just so exponentially different than last year. Ive grown so much this summer, mind body and soul. Im so much more excited to do everything, I wanna have a ton of fun. I think its a combination of factors. One of the things is that my friends are totally on the same page as me in the fact that there will be many exciting opportunities to do stuff we havent before. Another is that I have been really busy so Ive always had something constantly to look forward to. Another is that I accomplished all my goals for the summer and took care of everything, even though it may have been all in the last 3 days. I also feel a lot more grounded spiritually than I was a week or two ago. Like at one point I was in a complete haze and not really there altogether, but now its like totally here. And in complete honesty there is only good to look forward to this semester. Like even in my interactions with everyone, it seems all so positive and upbeat, and ive been feeling pretty spiritual lately, ive been so appreciative of the beauty in the world and have been taking walks and enjoying nature and i dunno its jus been so amazing, as life opened its doors on me and said here, take this. But in all reality, im pretty excited abt this semester, and im glad im no longer that mopey kid who sits in his dorm all emo and such, but i was able to be better at what i do and totally enjoy the company of others. Like I felt that I had little energy this entire summer, and was not really there when I was talking to people. I would be saying constructive things and be able to respond and such but thts abt it. It reached the point where i would barely remember any conversations at all, like I was watching myself from the sidelines talk to other people. Things got a lot better ever since around the time I went to NY, but ever since like around Wednesday, Ive jus been hyper busy and it seemed like i was accomplishing so much and getting everything i procrastinated done, and seeing all my friends this week really boosted me up, even tho it was like over 3 days and they were all totally split up. But either way, it has jus been phenomenal, and I can only imagine how much more awesome it'll be when everyone is back on campus and we all have cars and its gna kick ass. I just feel a rush of excitement and havent stopped smiling. Like I actually could not recollect how many ppl I've seen in the past week and how overwhelmingly kick butt its gna be the first couple days back, talking to everyone and catching up. My mind body and soul are all on the same page pushing it to the limit and really appreciating the things around us. I dunno i jus cant stop the beat thats been running through me, like every time i hear a song i jus want to go downtown and dance the night away, a feeling i havent had in a looong time. I just feel that yeah i can be physically tired, but that doesnt mean i have to be mentally tired as well, and i can always find something that makes me smile in every step of the day. It really is amazing and I hope this rush lasts, as it'll prove to be great for training and even more so for when the real excitement begins in the semester when finally things will be epic as heck =]

Post script: the word "I" was said about 50 times in this post, and it makes me feel kinda self-centered lol.
P.P.S totally halfway asleep while writing this but still super excited