Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chapter 3


Well I've been on vacation the past month and a half and got my fill of love and care from my favorite side of the family. It has actually been a good 2 years since I've seen them and spent time with them for a decent amount of time. It has been their absence in my life that has left me misguided and troubled. I was always worried that I was on my own when really all this time I was only thinking so. It was the little things that were always on my mind, the responsibilities that got me so tense and worked up for no reason. Life is relatively easy at this point. I had my break from being in a stressful environment to one with a lot of happiness and caring. I hope to one day create a happy and loving aura for my own children, but that is a ways off. I now look ahead into the future and my career as a medical doctor. Step by step I will work my way to the goal which I set for myself. Money is no object, now is not the time to worry about such things. I'm not sure what broke me out of my "loser" hypnosis but I think it involves seeing opportunity and knowing that you are taking advantage of it. Also I changed the set of songs I listen to on my laptop, haha. But seriously, change of attitude is a mandatory accompany to change in lifestyle. for example changing my eating habits is what is essential to me returning to prime health. From here it is just enjoying life and what it has to offer, and continue smiling and looking ahead making sure you don't fall. I will become a proud and successful person, no doubt about that; but what intrigues me is that life is a series of steps of moving up and beyond into what looks to be a interesting future for mankind. I truly can't wait to see what technology will bring to this world, as it has changed the way we live over the past 20 years. God only knows what kind of world future generations will live in. The economy sucks and well that is not too good of news for a populous bent on becoming the workforce. This is an interesting turn of events, as H5N1 upsurged in 1918 and then the market crashed 1929, and now the same family of virus came up recently, its not long before history repeats itself and we end up in loss. Even now banks are going bankrupt. Looks like its time to put money into Swiss banks, eh? Well I really dont know what to say. It sounds selfish but although I still need to be aware of things like that, but I should stay focused on the things that concern me so I don't get too caught up in time consuming thought processes. This blog was meant for me to vent my thoughts into paper, well digital paper. So here's something fun, a list of things I learned in the past month:

1. 5 out of 9 girls in West Virginia are really hot .
2. Having a good plan for the future and sticking to it is what makes a succesful person.
3. Cadbury's Flake is by far the best chocolate bar I've ever had (that is a veteran opinion)
4. Disturbed is a pretty good band.
5. Summer is a great time for introspect.
6. Bad idea: Dieting when going to WV.
7. Anything can be modded to play anything.
8. Ebay is amazing, finally know how to make best of it.
9. I need to go through Europe when I'm older and spend a winter week in Vienna.
10. The internet is only as boring as the person using it.

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